Issue - meetings

Election of the Mayor 2017-2018

Meeting: 15/05/2017 - Council (Item 2)

Election of the Mayor (Chairman of Council) for 2017-2018

To elect the Mayor (Chairman of Council) for the Municipal Year 2017-18.


The Mayor (Chris Ryder) to call on Councillor Wendy Flynn to move the motion proposing Councillor Klara Sudbury as Mayor.


Councillor Flynn will propose “that Councillor Klara Sudbury be, and is hereby, elected Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year”.


The Mayor will call upon Councillor Walklett to formally second the motion.


The Mayor, will thereafter put to the Council the motion “that Councillor Klara Sudbury be, and is hereby, elected Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year”.

The Mayor will invite Councillors to give a show of hands to indicate their support.


The Mayor will congratulate Councillor Sudbury on her appointment and invite her to take her place in the chamber (she will still be wearing the chain until she hands it over to the new Mayor at the inauguration ceremony).


The Head of Paid Service will ask the newly elected Mayor to sign a declaration of acceptance of office of Council Chairman 2017-18 (this is not read out).


From this point onwards Councillor Sudbury will chair the meeting.



The outgoing Mayor, Chris Ryder, called on Councillor Flynn to move the motion proposing Councillor Klara Sudbury as Mayor.


Councillor Klara Sudbury was proposed for the office of Mayor by Councillor Flynn and seconded by Councillor Walklett.


Upon a vote it was unanimously

RESOLVED that Councillor Klara Sudbury be, and is hereby, elected Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council chairman for the ensuing year.


The Head of Paid Service invited the Mayor to sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Council chairman for the ensuing municipal year 2017-18.


Councillor Klara Sudbury took the chair.