Issue - meetings
Shopmobility Review
Meeting: 14/07/2015 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Shopmobility -Future Delivery PDF 154 KB
Report of the Cabinet Member Healthy Lifestyles
1. consultation is undertaken with interested and affected parties on the future of the Shopmobility provision, the findings to be reported to Cabinet in September.
2. authority be delegated to the Director of Environmental and Regulatory Services to carry out the consultation.
3. a search for the relocation of Shopmobility premises continues in order to expedite decisions about location if necessary following the September meeting in time for relocation in November, the search in the interim to be in consultation with the Cabinet Member Healthy Lifestyles.
The Cabinet Member Healthy Lifestyles introduced the report and thanked the scrutiny task group for its report, particularly in view of the tight timescales involved. She explained that Cabinet could not accept the group’s recommendations in their entirety at this stage and Cabinet’s approval was sought on authorising officers to carry out the consultation with interested and affected parties on the future of Shopmobility provision. She highlighted that a report would be brought back to the September meeting of Cabinet and that scrutiny may well be asked to be involved in the next steps of the delivery project. She emphasised that there were obvious linkages with partners and these needed to be explored further. The scrutiny task group member thanked the Cabinet member and believed that this was a pragmatic approach.
1. consultation is undertaken with interested and affected parties on the future of the Shopmobility provision, the findings to be reported to Cabinet in September.
2. authority be delegated to the Director of Environmental and Regulatory Services to carry out the consultation.
3. a search for the relocation of Shopmobility premises continues in order to expedite decisions about location if necessary following the September meeting in time for relocation in November, the search in the interim to be in consultation with the Cabinet Member Healthy Lifestyles.