Issue - meetings

Review of the Council's Performance at end of 2014-15

Meeting: 20/07/2015 - Council (Item 11)

11 Annual Performance Report pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member Corporate Services

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive indicated that a number of members had questioned why this document was coming to Council as it had already been discussed at a meeting of Overview and Scrutiny Committee and subsequently endorsed by Cabinet at its meeting on 14 July 2015. He explained that previously the annual performance report had been a regular item for the Cabinet and the Council agenda but it had been acknowledged that Council would have little to add given that it had been through the scrutiny process. This year the item had been recorded on the forward plan for both Cabinet and Council and this had not been picked up when the forward plan had been published or when the draft agenda for Council had been circulated. As the item had been included on the published agenda, it had been necessary to include it for debate today.


The Cabinet Member Corporate Services introduced the performance report for the end of the financial year 2014-15.  He explained that the covering report summarised how the council had performed in regard to milestones and measures set out in the 2014-15 action plan.  84 milestones had been identified in the 2014-15 action plan and of these 67 (80%) were complete.  The 2014-15 action plan identified 59 key indicators which were used to track progress; of which the council was directly accountable for 42 and 7 of which were community-based indicators, where no targets had been set.  Of the 42 CBC indicators, 11 targets had been missed. 


Overall he considered the report represented a commendable level of achievement in difficult financial circumstances. He highlighted that the figures in the report represented the position as at the end of March 2015 and he invited the Strategy and Engagement Manager to update members on the position as at the end of June 2015.


The Strategy and Engagement Manager, Richard Gibson, updated members on the latest situation with regard to the Red and Amber milestones and the Red Indicators.  This indicated a good progress was being made on all these milestones. In particular he referred to the car parking strategy, the production of which was included in this year's corporate strategy and it would be reported to Cabinet in March 2016. He also updated members on a recent clear out week where staff had attempted to reduce the documentation held by their service area. Progress would continue to be monitored by the information management group.


A member asked about the reference to document management and why this was relevant to the move to Delta House when this could be at least eight years away. Was it 8 years or 3 years?


In response the Chief Executive said that the organisation currently had lots of paper and although retention strategies were in place, there was a real need to start managing the organisations paper storage. The ultimate aim was not to move lots of paper when the council occupies its new offices but this would take some time to achieve.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11

Meeting: 14/07/2015 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Review of the council's performance at end of 2014-15 pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member Corporate Services

Additional documents:




the review of performance in 2014-15 be endorsed


The Cabinet Member Corporate Services introduced the report which summarised Cheltenham Borough Council's performance Milestones and Measures set out in the 2014/15 action plan.


He reported that a total of 84 milestones were identified and 80 percent of these were completed. Whilst a number were not achieved he confirmed that robust plans had been put in place to achieve a number of these during the first quarter of 2015/16.


The Cabinet Member highlighted the following milestones which had been achieved :


·         Well Maintained Environment

Following the trial on mixed plastics earlier in the year significant progress had been made with the Council taking the decision to make this a permanent service.


·         Access to decent and affordable housing.

Cabinet gave approval in March 2015 for CBC/CBH to go out to tender on the delivery of new affordable housing on a number of owned garage sites. Cheltenham was leading the south west in the completion of affordable housing provision


·         People able to lead healthy lifestyles.

Registration of the Cheltenham Trust was achieved in May 2014 with Cabinet approving the transfer of services to the Trust at its meeting on 26th September.


·         Cashable savings and increased income

Agreement made to continue with the One Legal Service to the end of the current Section 101 agreement to 2019. Gloucester City Council have now also agreed to join the shared service reducing costs to Cheltenham Borough Council by £10 000 annually.


Members welcomed the positive achievements over the last year which should be celebrated such as the recycling campaigns.


The Leader added that the report would be discussed further at the Council meeting on 20 July.




the review of performance in 2014-15 be endorsed