Decision details

Publica Business Plan 2024-25

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the Publica Business Plan 2024-25.

Reasons for the decision:

In 2023 the shareholder councils commissioned a review of Publica to examine whether the business model still suited the needs of the councils moving forward. The review recommended that most services be transferred back to council control. As a consequence of this, Publica’s three-year 2022-2025 business plan needs to be refreshed for the final year.

Alternative options considered:

No other options were considered as the business plan needed refreshing following the review. The new business plan is the only reasonable mechanism to recognise and set out the partnership between Publica and Cheltenham Borough Council.

Declarations: None

Contact: Gareth Edmundson, Chief Executive Email: [email protected].

Publication date: 16/08/2024

Date of decision: 16/08/2024

Accompanying Documents: