
Use the search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

25/11/2024 - Deed of Dedication at Pittville Park ref: 3249    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Assets and Deputy Section 151 Officer - Gemma Bell

Decision published: 04/12/2024

Effective from: 25/11/2024


To enter into a Deed of Dedication with Gloucestershire County Council covering an area of public open space at Pittville Park for the purposes of facilitating the A435 Cheltenham to Bishops Cleeve cycleway.

Lead officer: Gemma Bell

29/11/2024 - CIL Surcharge ref: 3246    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Head of Development Management, Enforcement and Compliance - Chris Gomm

Decision published: 29/11/2024

Effective from: 29/11/2024


To waive the CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) surcharge (£710.40) imposed on the below development (imposed due to a failure to serve a CIL commencement notice)


  • Planning Permission Ref. 19/01822/FUL
  • Address: West Lodge, Cold Pool Lane, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL51 6JF
  • Description: Construction of a 3-bed single storey dwelling utilising the existing access from Sunnyfield Lane, following the demolition of the existing buildings.
  • Validation Date:Mon 16 Sep 2019
  • Decision Date: Thu 21 Nov 2019


26/11/2024 - Corporate Risk Register - update ref: 3243    For Determination

To note the updated Risk Register

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 26/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 26/11/2024




-       the Corporate Risk Register is noted.


Lead officer: Ann Wolstencroft

26/11/2024 - Grant of lease at St Mark's and Hester's Way Community Centre ref: 3240    For Determination

To consider the report.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 26/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 06/12/2024




1.    the completion of due diligence on the submitted proposals for the site is agreed;


2.    authority is delegated to the Director of Finance and Assets to negotiate the terms of the lease to Alliance for Equality, in consultation with the Director of One Legal.


Lead officer: Gemma Bell

26/11/2024 - Grants Policy ref: 3241    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 26/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 26/11/2024




-       the Grants Management Policy (Appendix 3) is approved. 


26/11/2024 - Waste and Recycling Review ref: 3239    For Determination

To consider the review of CBC’s Waste and Recycling Services

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 26/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 06/12/2024




1.    Cabinet agrees that from Friday 10 January 2025 the Swindon Road recycling centre will undergo a prolonged closure in order for a full options appraisal to be undertaken on the future of the Swindon Road Depot and the Household Recycling Centre. The options appraisal will include an assessment of the site and the potential for finding a cost-effective solution to meet with new and future environmental legislation and regulations, engagement with GCC, engagement and consultation and appropriate involvement of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 

  1. Cabinet agrees that the Council will cease to provide a direct commercial waste service to businesses in Cheltenham from a date to be determined by the Chief Executive.
  2. authority is delegated to the Chief Executive to implement recommendation 1 and 2, including the necessary contract variation with Ubico and to make suitable alternative arrangements for existing customers of the Council’s commercial waste service.    

4.    Cabinet agrees that the delivery charges for receptacles agreed by Cabinet on 23 July 2024 (recommendation 1) are amended as follows with effect from 1 January 2025 to assist residents using the kerbside service for any items which can no longer be taken to the Household Recycling Centre:  £4.99 for up to 3 items (with a reduced delivery charge of £2.99 for up to 3 items for residents in receipt of benefits as listed in reported dated 23 July 2024) and £9.98 for up to 6 items (with a reduced delivery charge of £5.98 for up to 6 items for residents in receipt of benefits as listed in the report dated 23 July 2024).


Lead officer: Karen Watson

26/11/2024 - Award of Rent Support Grants to voluntary sector organisations ref: 3236    For Determination

To consider a rent support grant to Whaddon Bowls Club, Whaddon Road.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 26/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 06/12/2024




1.    a rent support grant of 24% of current market rent to Whaddon Bowls Club, Whaddon Road is agreed;


2.    authority is delegated to the Participation and Engagement Team Leader, in consultation with the Director: One Legal to agree the terms of a rent support grant agreement with the applicant. 


Lead officer: Paul Jones

26/11/2024 - Annual Local Council Tax Support Scheme ref: 3242    For Determination

To consider the recommendation.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 26/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 06/12/2024




1.    the outcome of the consultation on the Local Council Tax Support Scheme in Appendix 3 is noted;


2.    the Local Council Tax Support Scheme for working age customers in Appendix 4 and summarised in Appendix 5 is approved as the preferred option for 2025/26.


3.    the proposed scheme is adopted and Council is recommended to approve and adopt the proposed Local Council Tax Support Scheme for working age customers for 2025/26.


4.    Council is recommended to give authority to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Cabinet Member Finance and Assets to uprate any premiums, allowances and determine the income levels in line with any increase in Welfare Benefits by 21 February 2025.


Lead officer: Jayne Gilpin

26/11/2024 - Treasury Mid-term Report 2024-25 ref: 3237    For Determination

To consider the report

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 26/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 26/11/2024




-       the contents of this summary report of the treasury management activity during the first six months of 2024/25 are noted.

Lead officer: Andrew Sherbourne

26/11/2024 - Budget Monitoring Report 2024/25 - position at 30 September 2024 ref: 3238    For Determination

To consider the report

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 26/11/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 26/11/2024




-       the contents of this report are noted, including the key projected variances to the general fund and Housing Revenue Account (“HRA”) 2024/25 revenue and capital budgets approved by Council on 23 February 2024, and the actions to ensure overspends are reduced as far as possible by the end of the financial year. 

Lead officer: Gemma Bell

24/10/2024 - To award a contract to Dennis Eagle Ltd for the supply of two refuse collection vehicles ref: 3244    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member Waste, Recycling and Public Realm

Decision published: 26/11/2024

Effective from: 24/10/2024


To award a contract to Dennis Eagle Ltd for the supply of:

2 x Elite 6+ 6x2 Rear Steer 26 Ton Refuse Collection Vehicles c/w OL19N Body, CMS Telematics, Driver Behaviours and Camera, VWS on-board weighing, eco-pack, Coffee Pod Cage, Juice Tray, and Epic Speedian Advertising Frames on one side for the sum of £234,263.00 each plus VAT and 1st Reg Fee/12 Months RFL each @ £505.00 each and livery to doors @ £175 each.

Total for 2 vehicles - £469,886.00 plus VAT

Lead officer: Karen Watson

21/11/2024 - Award of grant to the Cheltenham Trust for replacement gym equipment ref: 3234    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member Economic Development, Wellbeing and Culture

Decision published: 22/11/2024

Effective from: 21/11/2024


- To award a capital grant of £244,390 to The Cheltenham Trust for the replacement of gym equipment and refurbishment work at Leisure@ Cheltenham.

- To enter into a grant agreement with the Cheltenham Trust that will specify how the grant is to be used.

- To delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Assets in Consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Wellbeing and Culture and the Director of One Legal to agree the final wording of the grant agreement and enter into any legal arrangements or other documentation as may be required to implement or facilitate the project.

Lead officer: Gemma Bell

20/11/2024 - Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund: Wave 3 (WH:SHF Wave 3 ref: 3233    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Executive - Gareth Edmundson

Decision published: 20/11/2024

Effective from: 20/11/2024


The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) has now released a competition for around £1.25bn grant funding through the rebranded Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund: Wave 3 (WH:SHF Wave 3). The delivery period for works commences on signing of legal documentation (expected April 2025), running through to 30th September 2028, with grant funding to be spent by 31st March 2028.

This decision is to agree to the inclusion of CBC in the consortium bid to be submitted by Stroud District Council (SDC) for grant funding under WH:SH Wave 3. If the bid submission is successful and grant funding is offered by DESNZ (outcome expected early 2025) then the decision to accept the funding, or not, will be taken by Cabinet.

The bid application alternatives which were considered are described in the Alternative options section below. This decision is to include, in the SDC consortium bid, the approach described in “Option 1: Full bid”.

It should be noted that CBC’s first priority is compliance and safety and that works in this regard will always be prioritised hence should funding be offered the programme of works will be reviewed to consider and mitigate any risks, this is especially pertinent as more data becomes available through the condition surveys.

The anticipated maximum grant level is estimated to be in the region of £4-5million with CBC match funding in the region of £3.5-4million through the Housing Revenue Account (HRA). The HRA has funds allocated (see the Financial Approval section below) towards decarbonisation of the housing stock, so will be able to meet this match funding requirement. This will fund improvements to approx. 600 homes. Funding is allocated for both capital and A&A (admin and auxiliary) costs.

The programme of works will seek to raise the energy performance of approx. 540 of CBC homes from below band C, up to that level, where feasible within the grant cost cap. Additionally 60 homes (on-gas grid) will be supplied with new LC (low carbon) heating, supporting these homes in the move to net-zero.

The works will target ‘fabric first’ but will also include some other measures:

·         Upgrading loft insulation to 400mm

·         Installation of wall insulation mainly external wall insulation (EWI), cavity wall insulation (CWI) and some internal wall insulation (IWI)

·         Other minor fabric improvements such as sloping ceiling and room-in-roof insulation, and measures which improve energy ratings within the modelling tool for EPCs (Energy Performance Certificates)

·         Installation of low carbon heating, such as heat pumps

·         Solar PV

·         Mechanical ventilation improvements

·         Facilitating works

All work undertaken must be compliant with the British Standards Institution’s framework of technical standards for retrofit (as detailed in PAS 2035:2019 Retrofitting Dwellings for Improved Energy Efficiency - Specification and Guidance). Adherence to the PAS 2035 standard may necessitate other measures such as improved ventilation systems as well as additional testing (air tightness testing) and monitoring (internal air quality).

The bid window for WH:SHF closes at midday on 25th November with information required by Stroud District Council by 20th November, due to these timescales and the extensive work involved in modelling the housing stock against the bid criteria, preparation and submission of the bid it is possible that the final bid numbers and values could vary slightly from the stated amounts, and for this reason a range of likely values is given at this time.