Register of interests

Councillor Flo Clucas

I, Councillor Flo Clucas a Member of the Cheltenham Borough Council, set out below under the appropriate headings the interests which I am required to declare under the Localism Act 2011 and the Council's Code of Conduct and I have put "none" where I have no such interests under any heading or I am unaware of such an interest.

Part A

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
Member: Other Person:
None -
2. Sponsorship
Member: Other Person:
Liberal Democrat Party, Cheltenham -
3. Contracts
Member: Other Person:
None -
4. Land
Member: Other Person:
None -
5. Licences
Member: Other Person:
None -
6. Corporate Tenancies
Member: Other Person:
None -
7. Securities
Member: Other Person:
None -

Part B

Other Interests

8. Management or Control
Chair - Big Local Cheltenham
9. Public/Charitable and Other External Bodies
Chair - Big Local SPTM
Member - Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (LIPA)
Member and Trustee - LIPA Multi Academy Trust
Consultant - National Democratic Institute
Donor - Christian Aid
Donor - Scope
Donor - Guide Dogs
Donor - Action Aid
Donor - NSPCC
Donor - Sightsavers
Donor - Unicef
Donor - Jospice
Donor - Women's Liberal Democrats
Donor - Parish of St Marys
Donor - Sunnybank
Finance Spokesperson - Council of European Municipalities and Regions Committee
Member - Liberal Democrat Party
Member - Fawcett Society
Member - A.L.D.C
Retired Member - NAS/UWT
Member - Irish Sea Forum
Member - Covid Families for Justice
Chair - Cheltenham for Europe
Member - Electoral Reform Society
Member - Bank of England Citizens Panel
Vice-President - Global Centre for Political Renewal
Foundation Director - Little Way MAT Gloucestershire
Donor - MacMillan
10. Employer
11. Gifts and Hospitality
LGA - travel and hotel as speaker at an event
CEMR - travel and hotel as speaker at an event
