Issue - decisions

ESIF grant funding

15/06/2018 - ESIF grant funding

Cheltenham Borough Council has obtained ESIF grant funding for the following project:

“Creating and Connecting Habitat and Enhancing Flood Resilience – Central Cheltenham”.

Parts of the project will be undertaken on Council land.


The grant is administered by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) with whom a Grant Funding Agreement (GFA) will be to entered into prior to the commencement of the project and the release of any funds. A non-negotiable condition of that agreement specifies that the Council shall execute a Deed of Covenant which places a 15 year “approved use” restriction upon the Council land that has been utilised for the project; i.e. habitat creation and flood resilience measures. Disposal of the land or using it for anything other than the “approved use” within that 15 year period may require the Council to repay the whole or any part of the grant previously paid.


In consideration of the benefit that the grant provides and the 15 year land use plan, the decision has been made to approve the execution of the Deed of Covenant.